The National Rural Education Association (NREA), the Rural Schools Collaborative in partnership with the Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance (WiRSA) are excited to announce this year’s National Forum to Advance Rural Education will be taking place in Green Bay on October 20-21 at the KI Center. We are expecting over 725 in-person and virtual attendees for this event from all regions of the United States. The event will kick off with a Welcome Reception on Wednesday evening. The Conference will then begin on Thursday at 8:30 am with an opening Tribal Ceremony and Blessing of the conference. This will be followed with numerous learning sessions on both Thursday and Friday.
This is the first time this national conference has been held in Wisconsin and a great opportunity for Wisconsin rural educators and researchers to show the rest of the country the great programs that are being provided by Wisconsin Rural Schools. It also gives our members a chance to listen to and learn about other great rural programs across the country.
If you have questions, please contact Kim Kaukl at 608-553-0689 or
Event highlights:
5:00–7:00 pm Early Registration and Welcome Reception – Registration/Lobby Area
8:30 am Opening Tribal Ceremony – Grand Ballroom D/E
8:45 am Eric Sheninger, Disruptive Thinking in Our Classrooms: Preparing Learners for Their Future - Grand Ballroom D/E
12:30 pm Dr. Jill Underly, Wisconsin State Secretary of Education - Grand Ballroom D/E
1:00 pm Panel Featuring Sheneka Williams and Sweeney Windchief, Raising Rural: A Fair Chance to Live a Good Life - Grand Ballroom D/E
4:30-6:00 pm Reception and Auction to support the NREA Foundation and the WiRSA Scholarship Program. Special guest appearance by former Packer Ahman Green – Rooms B2/B3
8:30 am Ben Winchester, Rewriting the Rural Narrative - Grand Ballroom D/E
12:45 pm Ty White, 2022 National Rural Teacher of the Year - Grand Ballroom D/E
1:00 pm Gerry Brooks, Personal Climate and Culture…It’s Up to You - Grand Ballroom D/E